The Most Common Manifesting Myths DEBUNKED!
Oct 19, 2020Welcome to the “High Vibin’ It” podcast! Each week my soul sister Kelsey Aida and I bring you fun spiritual and personal development conversations that will help you raise your vibe and live your best life! This week we are shedding light on some of the most popular manifesting myths, lies, and misconceptions!
If you’ve ever had any of these thoughts…
“Once I get good at manifesting, I’ll never be a victim of circumstance again.”
“If something good happens (aka I manifest what I want) something bad must be about to happen.”
“I have to be ‘positive’ all the time in order to manifest a good life.”
“Life would be better if I got everything I wanted right when I wanted it.”
“I’m scared to think negative thoughts and manifest bad things.”
“Once I have what I want all my desire will end and I’ll finally be satisfied.”
“It’s not possible for me to manifest what I desire.”
… this episode is for you!
Not only are we gonna tell you what’s up, but we’re gonna give you the cure to each limiting belief and help you step into your manifesting power and utilize the law of attraction like never before.
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