Why You're Not Actually Terrible At Visualizing
Apr 05, 2018This is an issue that comes up a lot in my practice... many clients come to me thinking they are unable to visualize, and therefore, hypnosis/meditation/manifesting/whatever won't ever work for them. This is never true, but since there seems to be a bit of confusion surrounding the "how-to" of visualizing, I thought I'd shed some light on it for you.
First, consider these questions:
If I were to tell you to imagine a pink elephant in the corner of the room you're in, would you be able to see it with your mind's eye?
Hold that thought for a sec, and let me ask you this: If you close your eyes and think of biting into a sour, juicy bright yellow lemon, does your mouth begin to water?
Here's the thing: Most people think visualizing is the ability to see pictures in their minds. But in fact, the key to successful visualization lies in incorporating as many senses as you can (including emotions), and may have nothing whatsoever to do with the mind's eye.
Bring the lemon to mind again and this time, try and smell the citrus...
...feel the bumpy peel of it in your hands...
...hear it being sliced or peeled...
...now you may be able to see the yellow... (but it's still OK if you can't)
If you're able to do any of this, you're already a visualizing rock star!
SUPER FUN EXERCISE: Visualize your ultimate business/personal success goal.
Find a comfortable spot and bring to mind your ultimate success goal...
Feel the emotions of already having it...
See the dollar amount in your bank balance...
In the ideal outcome scenario:
What kind of clothing are you wearing?...
How do you carry yourself?...
What's your facial expression like?...
What foods do you eat?...
Who is around you, congratulating and supporting you?...
Take a few minutes with this and try and include as many aspects, senses, and emotions as you can.
Anyone can do this to some extent, and the more you do it, the stronger the magnetic pull becomes between your present reality and your future dream life! Sweet.
I hope I've given some clarity on what visualization actually is, but more importantly what it can do for you!
If you have any questions on your visualizing ability, please feel free to reach out!
Does this make vizualizing easier for you?